After generating your website with Zarla’s AI powered website builder, the next step is to create a free Zarla account so you can make edits and launch your website.
Here’s how to sign up for your free account:
If you’re on a desktop or laptop computer, click the “Sign up for free!” button at the top right corner of your website preview.
On mobile devices, that button will be centered at the top of your screen.
Input your email address and a suitable password, then click on “Create My Account.”
Go to your email inbox and open the Zarla verification email. You must click the button in that email to verify your new Zarla account.
5. After verifying, you’ll be taken back to your website preview.
With your free Zarla account, you can now customize your website by clicking on the “Edit” tab, log out by clicking the “Log Out” tab, or launch your website by clicking the “Launch my website” button at the top of your preview screen.
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