Start by logging in to your website dashboard, then select the "Edit" tab on the left-hand side of your desktop screen, or along the bottom of your mobile screen.
After choosing “Edit,” you will see a row of circular, blue icons at the bottom of the screen. Each icon represents a different section of your website which can be edited by you.
Tap or click on the gray "Add" icon at the end of the row, and then type a name for the section so that our AI can create it for you.
A new icon will appear with a spinning indicator showing that our AI is generating text, images, buttons, and other elements to make a compelling section for your visitors.
When it's finished, you can select the new section to edit, move, or delete it.
All sections can be deleted and moved to a new position except for your website header and footer, which are required to always be at the top and bottom of your website.