How does the contact form work?

Where do the messages go? How do I reply?

Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over a week ago

The contact form on your website is a simple lead generation tool which allows visitors to send you their name, email, and a short message while still protecting your privacy.

Your contact form messages will be delivered almost instantly to the email address linked to your Zarla account. The one exception is spam messages, which are filtered out before being sent.

For reference, this is what a message will look like when you receive it in your email inbox:

NOTE: If you'd like to test your contact form to ensure it's working, please fill it out with a different email address than the one linked to your Zarla account - using your own address may trigger a spam filter as well.

You are not required to reply to any of the messages you receive from your contact form, but if you'd like to, you can. Just hit "reply" from your email inbox and compose a message of your own to send back.

Additionally, the form itself can be edited to customize it for your business. Here's an example of a doughnut shop's contact form:

This shop has changed the default "Message" text to encourage visitors to pre-place an order. The business owner promises to send a quick reply (and might include a custom price quote, delivery options, and other information that's needed).

IMPORTANT: Please do not change the "Name" or "Email" fields to display your own name and email. These fields are meant as instructions for your visitors.

If you'd like to change the email address associated with your contact form, you can do that too! Follow the instructions here.

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