Congratulations on selecting Zarla to build your website! With our AI website builder, generating a website for your business couldn’t be easier.
Follow these simple steps to create your website in just a few seconds:
Go to
Enter your business name in the text field and click “Create My Website.”
3. Now enter any word that describes your business.
As you start typing, you will see category suggestions appear in a drop-down list. Select the category most closely-related to your business and click “Next.”
4. On the next screen, adjust your business name if needed, then add a brief description of your business. This will help our AI generate unique content just for you.
Tip: Mention the specific services you offer, your business mission, and anything that makes your business unique and interesting.
When you're finished, click "Next" to proceed to the final screen.
5. Enter your business address and phone number to show visitors that you're a legitimate business, and then click “Create my website now!”
Tip: If you don't have an address or phone number, that's OK. Just type anything at all (like “123” in each text field). You can change your phone number and address later.
6. Our AI will now generate a completed website in seconds! When it’s finished, scroll through your website to see how it did.
Like what you see? To make changes or get ready to launch, just sign up for a free account. Your Zarla account is 100% free, and allows you to save your website for up to 30 days with no obligation.
Want to change everything? Return to and generate a new website if you’d like to start over completely.
Need specific advice for your business? Join Zarla's free online community of business owners and get marketing ideas, business help, mentoring, and more!