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Can I get a professional email address?
Can I get a professional email address?
Dan avatar
Written by Dan
Updated over a week ago

Yes! With Zarla you can choose either type of professional email address below:

1. A free forwarding-only email address created through Zarla
2. A $6/month email address & inbox created through Google Workspace

If you know which option you want, click the button below. We'll reload this page and message you in the lower, right-hand corner to get started.

(Or click the message icon in the lower, right-hand corner of this screen).

Not sure which type of email to pick? Read on.

Here's how both email options work:

A free forwarding email address looks like [email protected]. The part before the "@" is chosen by you (it's usually something like "support" or "info" or "sales") and the part after the "@" is your official website domain.

A forwarding email looks professional, hides your actual email address, and does just one thing: it forward emails to the email inbox you use already.

This means you won't have a second inbox, and you won't be able to send emails from your forwarding email address.

On the other hand, if you require a custom email with a dedicated inbox and the ability to send email, then you will need to get a Google Workspace account which costs $6/month.

Either option lets you choose what your email address will be - but the forwarding email is free and provided by us, while Google Workspace is not.

If you decide to set up a professional email account through Google Workspace, please follow the steps below:

NOTE: Before setting up a Google Workspace email, you'll need a domain for your business (like Get a free domain from Zarla.

How to Create a Google Workspace Email Account

  1. Go to Google Workspace and click "Get Started" to create your professional email.

  2. Follow their simple directions to create your account - when asked to verify your domain, choose the "TXT record" option.

  3. If you've registered your domain through Zarla, you can send us the TXT record by clicking on the button at the top of this page. We'll add it to your domain, and let you know when you can proceed with the next verification step.

    However, if your domain is not registered with us, you'll need to add the TXT record to your domain yourself. Contact your domain registrar to learn how.

  4. After the TXT verification step, Google will give you instructions for adding MX records to add to your domain. MX records control the flow of email through your domain and are required to make a custom email work.

    If you've registered your domain through Zarla, just copy those MX record instructions and send them to us (you can keep coming back to this page to do so).

    If your domain is not registered with us, you'll need to contact your domain registrar again to learn how to add those MX records to your domain.

Once both the TXT and MX records have been added to your domain, your Google Workspace email will be ready to use. If you run into any issues with that, please let us know!

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